Monday, May 26, 2014

Street Fighter X Tekken problem

After I installed Street Fighter X Tekken for Windows on my computer, I tried to start it, and got "An unhandled error occurred. (0xffffffff)".  Once again, I goggled and found that the solution is pretty simple:

  • Uninstall both "Microsoft GAmes for Windows - LIVE REdistributebale" and "Microsoft Games for Windows Marketplace".
  • Go to site , download and install "Games for Windows Marketplace Client"
  • Reboot
  • Problem solved
And my portable version also works so it's a win win.  Of course I need to create a offline XBox Live profile.  It's easy to create: I simply scroll down the message during the "Create Account" screen and click create "Local account", and that's all.

BTW, I tried playing the game in WMWare Workstation 10 with Windows 7.  Graphic is pretty fine, but there's some serious audio out of sync problem, which seriously affect my enjoyment.  So eventually I decided that I need to run the game on the host environment.

On another compleltely unrelated issue, I yanked out the SATA card from my desktop because of multiple reasons:

  • It does NOT work consistent.  Sometime it works after boot up and sometimes doesn't.
  • My new USB 3.0 hard disk dock works consistently and yield the same performance.
So glad that I have this memorial weekend to sort of all these problems, particularly allowing me to buy 16Gb memory for my desktop.  It's a MUST if I even consider using VMWare VM at all, and I found the result amazing.